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Expedition From Uganda to Abyssinia (1898) The Diary of Lieutenant R.G.T Bright
Price : $24.95
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This book covers Bright’s participation in African exploration expeditions from June 1897 to September 1908. He was a candid observer of places that were at the time largely unknown to the outside world. He was a meticulous record-keeper with a keen eye for details. His diaries thus offer an unusual insider’s look at the evolution of British colonial policy, as well as provide a factual account of daily life on these expeditions.
In presenting one section of the first diary, it is the editor’s hope that an obscure but important aspect of the history of East Africa in the late 19th century will be illuminated. The introductory material is designed to make its significance more apparent to those who are not familiar with the times and places involved.
Frederic A. Sharf is a collector, scholar and author. His interests lie in acquiring previously unpublished manuscript accounts written by men and women who observed events of historic significance in the period from 1865 to 1940 and making these accounts available to a worldwide audience. Richard Pankhurst is a scholar and educator who has lived in Ethiopia for more than 30 years. He is a professor at the Institute of Ethiopian Studies in Addis Ababa, Professor Pankhurst is the prolific and respected author of numerous publications dealing with the history of Ethiopia.
Frederic A. Sharf is a collector, scholar and author. His interests lie in acquiring previously unpublished manuscript accounts written by men and women who observed events of historic significance in the period from 1865 to 1940 and making these accounts available to a worldwide audience.
Richard Pankhurst is a scholar and educator who has lived in Ethiopia for more than 30 years. He is a professor at the Institute of Ethiopian Studies in Addis Ababa, Professor Pankhurst is the prolific and respected author of numerous publications dealing with the history of Ethiopia.
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