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Me and the Revolution እኔና አብዮቱ
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ፍቅረስላሴ ወግደረስ ከመስከረም ጳጉሜ 5 1979 እስከ ጥቅምት 29 1982 የህዝባዊት ዲሞክራስያዊት ሪፑብሊክ ኢትዮጵያ ጠቅላይ ሚኒስቴር ነበሩ። የተወለዱት አዲስ አበባ ቀጨኔ የሚባል ሰፈር ሲሆን አመቱም ሐምሌ 07 1937 ነበር። በኢትዮጵያ አየር ኃይል ማሰልጠኛ ወጣት ካዴት ካዲት ሆነው በመግባት በ 1955 ዓም የተመረቁ ሲሆን በአሜሪካ ሀገርም ስልጠና ወስደዋል። የ1966ቱ የኢትዮጵያ አብዮት ሲፈነዳ አየር ሃይልን ወክለው የግዚያዊ ወታደራዊ አስተዳደር ደርግ አባል ሆኑ። በተለያዩ የስልጣን እርከኖች ሀገራቸወን ያገለገሉት ፍቅረስላሴ የኢሠፓ አደራጅ ኮሚቴ የደርግ ቁአሚ ኮሚቴ አባል ነበሩ። በስልጣን ላይ በነበሩበት ግዜ በተለይም የኢትዮጵያ ታሪክ ለትውልድ በመደርስ መልኩ ተሰንዶ አንደቀመጥ የተለያዩ ጥረቶቼን በማድረጋቸው ይታወቃሉ።
Fikreselassie Wogderess was the prime minister of the Peoples’ Democratic Republic of Ethiopia from September 1987 to November 1989. Fikreselassie was born in a place called ketchene in northern Addis Ababa. He was a graduate of the Imperial Airforce in 1963 and have traveled to the USA for further studies. When the Ethiopian revolution of 1974 started, Fikresilassie found himself in the epicenter when he joined the select committee of low ranking military officials who later became Derg which became the force that took over power. He has served in various positions and responsibilities that included as members of the permanent committee of the Derg. While in power, Fikresilassie is credited for championing the writing and documentation of Ethiopian history for the coming generation.
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