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Republicans on the Throne A Personal Account of Ethiopia's Modernization and Painful Quest for Democracy
Price : $34.95
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Republicans on the Throne is a memoir spanning the author Tekalign Gedamu’s early life during the waning days of the old feudal order, his six-decade career in the United Nations, the African Development Bank, and the government of Ethiopia. The book describes the author’s university education and early career as an international civil servant. It focuses on Ethiopia’s modernization and her painful quest for democracy. For a brief spell, the author was privileged to be an eyewitness and a modest participant to that process.
Republicans on the Throne offers a glimpse into the problems of a new educational system. The expansion of education left in its wake a demand for more fundamental reforms which Emperor Haile Selassie’s government was increasingly unable to meet. The result was a coup d’état in 1960 that failed, and another in 1974 that succeeded and triggered a ‘Marxist’ revolution that promised a new era of equality, democracy, and revitalized nationalism. The book examines closely the fundamental forces behind the revolution along with its failed attempts to improve the country’s fortunes on both the economic and political fronts.
Seventeen years later, left wing insurgents in the North who had been active throughout the revolution, overthrew the government, allowing the country’s northernmost province to secede and install a regime guided by yet another brand of Marxism (the Albanian variety) at a time when the ideology was entering a period of historic decline.
The book provides an assessment of the policies and practices of the new rulers, how the country is faring under their leadership, and concludes that major challenges remain in the struggle for democracy, fundamental freedoms, national cohesion, and the fight against poverty.
The legacy of the country’s past, the continuing struggle for democracy, and the likely direction of the country’s future are the central concerns of the last part of the book. While there is little doubt that the curtain has fallen on Ethiopia’s monarchy, this has not prevented a new breed of tyrants from taking power. Ethiopia’s heritage of autocracy therefore survives, but in a far less paternalistic and more sinister form than before. This leads many to be apprehensive about the prospects for democracy and other key challenges. But the author remains hopeful and offers his perspective in the concluding chapters of the book.
Chapter 1: A Glimpse of Feudal Life
Growing Up with Grandparents
Getting Started in School
My Father’s Side of the Family
Chapter 2: Being Groomed for a Post Feudal World
Guinea Pigs for a New Secondary School
Undergraduate Days
Graduate Studies in the United States
Chapter 3: Early Career and a Surprise Coup D’État
New York: Learning the Ropes
Addis Ababa: The First Few Months
The 1960 Coup D’État
Settling Down to Work
The Birth of the OAU
The Harvard Interlude
Chapter 4: More on the 1960 Coup D’état
The Antecedents of the Coup Germame Neway: The Angry Young Man Behind the Coup
Chapter 5: In the Service of the Imperial Ethiopian Government: The Initial Three Years
An Ethiopian UN Expert to Ethiopia
A Curious Call From the Prime Minister
The Technical Agency
The Development Bank of Ethiopia: Chairman Haddis Alemayehou and a Contentious Board Meeting
The Glasgow Interlude
Haddis Alemayehu and his Instructive Anecdotes
Chapter 6: In the Service of the Imperial Ethiopian Government: The Succeeding Three Years
Trials and Tribulations at the Planning Commission
Highlights of Development: The Story of Ethiopian Airlines
Socialist Countries and Ethiopia’s Development
More on Highlights of Development: The Man at the Centre
Chapter 7: The Monarchy on the Eve
The Gathering Storm
The Ominous Famine
An Army Mutiny, the Quadrupling of Oil Prices, and a Tottering Government
Chapter 8: The Interregnum: The Opening Four and a Half Months of Endalkatchew Makonnen’s Premiership
A Hesitant Minister
Uncertain Reforms
The Travails of Resignation
Crisis of the Congo Veterans
Birth of the Dergue and the Demise of Endalkatchew Makonnen
Chapter 9: The Interregnum: The Closing Forty-One Days of Michael Imru’s Premiership
Chapter 10: The Contrived Revolution
Forces Behind the Upheavals of February/March 1974
The Emperor Deposed
Chapter 11: March Towards Bloody Saturday
Enter Aman: A Much Acclaimed But Tragically Inadequate Leader
Bloody Saturday: The Final Act of Fin D’Époque
Chapter 12: The Initial Policy Orientations of the Military
Ethiopian Socialism (Hibrettesebawinet)
New Relations With Soviet Russia
Land Reform: Manipulating a Wrong-headed Policy
More Instances of Cabinet Manipulation
Military Obduracy
Chapter 13: The Parting of Ways
My Delayed Exit
Mengistu Becomes Top Dog
Looking for a Job and the Elusive Exit Visa
Chapter 14: The African Development Bank
A Nice Little Challenge
Negotiations with Prospective Member States
The Bank Goes Global
The Years of Growth
A Short Honeymoon
Vice President: A Post More Vicious Than Presidential
A Reluctant Vice-President and the Predictable Adieu
Chapter 15: Mengistu Falls and a Second Republic Takes Shape
The Cartographic Nationalist Flees and the Guerrillas Take Over
The New Rulers and Their Political Vision
Chapter 16: The Bank of Abyssinia: A Short Stint Turned Long
A Homecoming With Misgivings
Launching a New Private Bank
Initial Objectives
Hurdles Along the Way
Chapter 17: Retirement: Working With Charities
A Johnny-Come-Lately Rotarian
The Hamlin Fistula Hospital
The Gondar Development Association
The Institute of Ethiopian Studies
Jember Teffera’s Urban Renewal Project
Alemnesh Mogesse’s Children’s Support Project
Chapter 18: Retirement: A Disagreeable But Not Unexpected Episode
A Visit by the Federal Police
Detention and its Compensations: The Many Faces of Prison
Detention: Further Compensations
Chapter 19: Footprints of History
A Bird’s Eyeview of the Recent Past
The Heritage of a Multicultural Polity
The Legacy of a Nation State
A ‘Minimum Cultural Base’: Yet Another Legacy
Chapter 20: The Shape Of Things To Come
The External Environment
The Domestic Front
Chapter 21: Conclusion
Further Thoughts on National Cohesion
Lessons From India and China
Final Words
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Glossary of Amharic Terms
“A valuable autobiography by a patriotic Ethiopian who analyzes his country's government in the post-Menelik era. The author, a child of modern education, played a significant role in Ethiopian government and African banking, besides being active in numerous humanitarian causes. He is well placed to comment on the trends and aspirations of post-revolutionary Ethiopia.â€
--Richard Pankhurst, author of The Ethiopians: A History
“Republicans on the Throne is a gripping story of how the little boy, born in a remote small town in Ethiopia’s far west, made it to the highest levels of achievement in Addis Ababa and – a rare thing – in continental Africa. Tekalign Gedamu moved in his career from a planner to a minister to a banker (in the African Development Bank and in Ethiopia). Therefore, it has much to tell us about the economic and political realities of the governments of Haile Selassie, Mengistu Haile Mariam and Meles Zenawi, because the author firmly sets the national context within which his life is narrated. It is an engaging book, which provides a good read for anyone interested in the unfolding drama of development in an African country through the eyes of one of its leading practitioners.â€
--Shiferaw Bekele, Professor of Ethiopian History at the Addis Ababa University
“Tekalign Gedamu’s autobiography is a tourd’ horizon of Ethiopian history from the early reign of Emperor Haile-Selassie to the current EPRDF regime. Tekalign, who grew up in Gore and began his education in a monastery school, represents the cohort of Ethiopian intellectuals who benefited from Emperor Haile Selassie’s program of modern education and went on to ably serve their homeland in a variety of ways. His Republicans on the Throne is a well-written, straight forward account of what has happened in Ethiopia during the past three-quarters of a century. I recommend it highly.â€
--Professor Theodore M. Vestal, author of The Lion of Judah in the New World
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