Sylvia Pankhurst [0972317236]


Author : Richard Pankhurst

ISBN Code : 0972317236
Language : English
Pages number : 228
Format : Paperback; 6” x 9”,

Sylvia Pankhurst, British Suffragette, devoted the last forty years of her life to fighting fascism and supporting Ethiopia, for many centuries Africa's principal independent state.

She responded to Mussolini's invasion of the country in 1935 by founding a weekly newspaper called the New Times and Ethiopia News, which she edited for twenty years. Her paper condemned Britain's "appeasement" of the Axis Dictators, and supported the Republican Government in the Spanish Civil War. After Mussolini's entry into the European War, on the side of Nazi Germany, she agitated against the return to Italy of her African colonies. Ever against colonialism, she clashed with the British Government in demanding the full restoration of Ethiopian independence and advocated the "reunion" of the former Italian colony of Eritrea with Ethiopia.

She raised funds for Ethiopia's first teaching hospital and wrote extensively on Ethiopian art and culture. Having moved to Addis Ababa in 1956, with her son, the author of this book, she founded a monthly journal called the Ethiopia Observer, which focused on many aspects of Ethiopian life and development. She died in 1960 and was buried with the Ethiopian Patriots, in front of Trinity Cathedral in Addis Ababa, and in the presence of the Emperor.

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