
Author : Elias Wondimu

ISBN Code : 978-1-59907-028-5
Language : English
Pages number : 246
Format : Paperback; 6"x9"
International Journal of Ethiopian Studies (IJES) is an interdisciplinary, refereed journal dedicated to scholarly research relevant to or informed by the Ethiopian experience. IJES publishes two issues a year of original work in English and Amharic to readers around the world.
Established in 2002, the IJES is dedicated to the research and study of Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa. The journal contains original articles, reviews, and features filled with relevant, in-depth information on important issues. It serves as a venue for the sharing and cross fertilization of research by scholars working on issues that matter to the region and promotes important voices internationally.
Elias Wondimu, Loyola Marymount University
Alemayehu Gebremariam, California State University, San Bernardi
Maimire Mennasemay, Dawson College
Theodore Vestal, Oklahoma State University
Fikru Gebrekidan, St. Thomas University
Distressed, yet Confident, Ethiopia Enters the Third Millennium. By Tekeste Negash
The Ethiopian Millennium & Its Historical and Cultural Meanings. By Ayele Bekerie
The Challenge of the New Millennium: Renaissance or Reappraisal? By Bahru Zewde
Preliminary Reflections on Ethiopian Democracy in the New Millennium. By Maimire Mennasemay
Modernity, the Ethiopian Youth and the Challenge of the Third Millennium. By Paulos Milkias
The Promise of Ethiopia: Public Action; Civic Forgiveness; Creative Power. By Donald N. Levine
Human Rights Matters in the New Millennium: The Critical Need for an Independent Judiciary in Ethiopia. By Alemayehu G. Mariam
Sacred Time, Civic Calendar: Religious Plurality and the Centrality of Religion in Ethiopian Society. By Cressida Marcus
On Our Calendar and Millennia Highlights. By Taddesse Tamrat
Reflections on the Citizens Charter for a Democratic Ethiopia. By Berhanu Abegaz
Bibliography: Year 2004, Compiled by Thomas P. Ofcansky